Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Qualities Of A Good Social Media Marketer

Social media marketing is the latest in marketing tools. Indeed, this is a method that plays a huge role for any business seeking to improve their market performance. This is particularly true if they are looking for good B2B leads. After all, what is the purpose of social media other than to generate qualified leads for the company? And with the world now connected more than ever through the social media, you can say that this creates fertile ground for you to market on. All that remains is for you to look for the right social media marketer. Now, what are the qualities of a good one?

1. The Thinker – this applies not just at the concept phase of the campaign. It also plays a role in the process itself. How can you expect a lead generation campaign to succeed without someone analyzing the latest trends?
2. The Researcher – a good social media marketer would be able to know what customers really want through the help of research tools available to them. Understanding what makes people buy or do business with a company can actually make all the difference between being in the know or having no clue as to what to offer.
3. The Writer – take note that social media is communication. You must have someone who has the skills in the communication as well as in writing. They must be able to convert their thoughts into concrete calls for action, which would often generate hot B2B leads.
4. The Empathizer – does the marketer have any idea what are the trends in the market? Has he been able to capitalize on that? Was he able to generate qualified leads through his understanding of the market? These are just some of the questions that can influence your choice of social media marketer.

Take note of these four key characteristics and you will find the right man for the job.